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2024-03-02 15:24:03
本内容由小编为大家分享关于研究生招生简章、考研分数线、考研调剂、考研真题资料等信息。北大法学硕士,北大的法学硕士几年制北京大学法学院(Peking University Law School)成立于1999年6月26日,其前身为北京大学法律



北京大学法学院(Peking University Law School)成立于1999年6月26日,其前身为北京大学法律学系。北京大学法律学科发轫于1904年,在中国现代法学教育中历史最为悠久。改革开放以来,北京大学法学院在人才培养、科学研究、学科建设、推进国家法治建设等方面,始终走在全国法学院校的前列。拥有刑法学、经济法学、法理学、宪法与行政法学四个国家重点学科,同时,北京大学作为拥有国家法学一级重点学科的3所院校之一,法学院在国际法学、民商法学、诉讼法、知识产权法学等所有学科都有很强的教学和科研实力。学院凭借梯队合理的最好的法学师资团队,在教学和科学研究、人才培养等各方面取得了突出的成绩,为创建世界一流法学院打下了坚实的基础。其知名校友有李克强同志等。

Peking University Law School

Peking University Law School, formerly known as Peking University Law Department, was founded on June 26, 1999. The discipline of law in Peking University was founded in 1904 and has the longest history in modern legal education in China. Since the reform and opening up, Peking University Law School has always been at the forefront of law schools in China in terms of personnel training, scientific research, discipline construction and the promotion of national legal construction. Punishment law, economic law, jurisprudence, constitution and administrative law four national key disciplines, at the same time, the level of law, Peking University as a national key subject of one of the three colleges and universities, school of law in international law, civil and commercial law, procedure law, intellectual property law and so on all disciplines have strong teaching and scientific research strength. Relying on a reasonable team of the best legal teachers, the school has made outstanding achievements in teaching, scientific research, talent training and other aspects, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of a world-class law school. Its famous alumni include Comrade Li Keqiang.



