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2024-03-02 17:46:31




Relatives and friends are always far away from the people most concerned, plus the festival is coming, many people in foreign countries also want to come to China to see their family and friends. This requires holding a Q-word family visit visa to enter China.


And what is a Q visa? Q visa is mainly issued to overseas Chinese who apply for entry to visit relatives, so that the overseas embassies and consulates can issue visas with a longer period of validity and stay to overseas Chinese who apply for Q visa, so as to facilitate their return to visit relatives. And according to the length of entry of the applicant, divided into Q1 and Q2 two specific categories. Q Series visas are mainly issued to relatives of Chinese citizens who have naturalized overseas citizenship, and also to relatives of foreigners with permanent residence status in China (green card).


Today we are going to talk about Q1 family visit visa. Q1 Family Visit Visa is issued to family members of Chinese citizens applying for residence in China for family reunion (spouse, parents, children, children’s spouses, siblings, grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) and family members of foreigners with permanent residence status in China (spouse, parents, children, children’s spouses, siblings and grandparents) Mothers, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) and persons applying for entry for residence for foster care, etc.


Now I have a question. What materials do we need to prepare to apply for Q1 family visit visa? Don’t worry, QVisa with 15 years of rich experience in visa processing has made some lists for you. Just prepare the materials according to the following list, it will be much easier to get the Q1 family visit visa.

1. 护照:有效期为6个月以上、有空白签证页的护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件1份。

Passport: valid for more than 6 months, the original passport with blank visa page and passport photo data page 1 copy.

2. 签证申请表及照片:1份《中华人民共和国签证申请表》及1张粘贴在申请表上的近期正面免冠浅色背景彩色护照照片。

Visa Application Form and photo: 1 copy of the Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and 1 photo of a recent passport with a light background and headless head attached to the application form.

3. 合法停留或居留证明(适用于不在国籍国申请签证者):如您不在国籍国申请签证,您需提供在所在国合法停留、居留、工作、学习的有效证明或有效签证的原件和复印件。

Proof of Legal Stay or Residence (for those who apply for a visa outside their country of nationality) : If you apply for a visa outside your country of nationality, you need to provide valid proof of legal stay, residence, work or study in the host country or the original and photocopy of the valid visa.

4. 原中国护照或原中国签证(适用于曾有中国国籍,后加入外国国籍者):如您系首次申请中国签证,须提供原中国护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件;如您曾获中国签证并持新换发的外国护照申请签证,须提供原外国护照照片资料页及曾获得的中国签证复印件(如果新护照所记载的姓名与原护照不一致,还须提供有关官方出具的更改姓名的证明文件)。

Original Chinese passport or original Chinese visa (applicable to those who used to have Chinese nationality and later became a foreign nationality) : If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you must provide the original Chinese passport and a copy of the passport photo page; If you have been granted a Chinese visa and apply for a visa with a new foreign passport, you should provide the photo information page of the original foreign passport and a copy of the previous Chinese visa (if the name on the new passport is different from that on the original passport, you should also provide the relevant official name change documents).


The above is the most basic materials required for the visa, the following several listed are the core of the experienced visa application Q1 visit visa. There are two most basic cases here.


If it is for a family reunion, the following materials should be prepared:

1. 居住在中国境内的中国公民或具有中国永久居留资格的外国人出具的邀请函件,该邀请函须包含以下内容:

An invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen living in China or by a foreigner qualified for permanent residence in China shall contain the following contents:

① 被邀请人个人信息:姓名、性别、出生日期等

Personal information of the invitee: name, sex, date of birth, etc

② 被邀请人访问信息:来华事由、拟抵达日期、拟居留地点、拟居留期限、与邀请人关系、费用来源等

Access information of the invitee: cause of arrival in China, date of arrival, place of residence, period of residence, relationship with the inviter, source of expenses, etc

③ 邀请人信息:邀请人姓名、联系电话、地址、邀请人签字等

Inviter information: name, contact telephone number, address, signature of the inviter, etc

2. 邀请人的中国身份证复印件或外国人护照及永久居留证复印件

A copy of the inviter’s Chinese ID card or a foreigner’s passport and permanent residence permit

3. 申请人与邀请人之间的家庭成员关系(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)证明(结婚证、出生证、公安派出所出具的亲属关系证明或亲属关系公证书等)原件和复印件

The relationship between the applicant and the inviter family members (spouse, parents, children, children, spouses, siblings, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and spouse’s parents) certificate (marriage certificate, birth certificate, police station certificate of kinship or kinship certificate, etc.) the original and photocopy


If it is for foster care reasons, the following materials should be prepared:

1. 中国驻外使领馆出具的寄养委托公证或经过所在国或中国公证认证的寄养委托书

A power of attorney issued by Chinese embassies or notarized by the host country or China

2. 委托人的护照原件、复印件及其与被寄养儿童的亲属关系证明(结婚证、出生证、公安派出所出具的亲属关系证明或亲属关系公证书等)

The original and photocopy of the client’s passport and the certificate of kinship with the foster child (marriage certificate, birth certificate, kinship certificate issued by the police station, etc.)

3. 接受寄养的受托人出具的同意接受寄养函件及身份证复印件

Letter of consent to accept foster care and copy of ID card from the trustee

4. 寄养儿童的父母双方或者一方为中国公民的,还应提供儿童出生时中国籍父母在境外定居证明的复印件。

If both parents or one party of the parents of the foster child is a Chinese citizen, a copy of the certificate of settlement of the Chinese parents abroad at the time of the birth of the child shall also be provided.


The above is the materials needed for the Q1 family visit visa, prepare these materials we will visit a family closer to a big step.


Of course, applying for a visa is indeed a difficult thing, and not everyone is very familiar with the visa processing. At this time, encountered problems do not panic, we can consult more professional visa agencies. For example: sign the home. Signing Home is a professional organization with 15 years of experience in visa processing in China. Have experienced a lot of classic cases, for you in the process of visa problems are also very understanding. I believe that the signing home teachers will be able to solve your problem.

Although applying for a visa is cumbersome, but we must remember not to believe the exaggerated propaganda on some platforms. In the end, he drew water with vain.


All right! The above is all the content I share with you today, I hope to help you, of course, if you have any questions welcome to consult ~





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